Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Origin - The proposal Reog Ponorogo

Reog is one of the cultural arts that originated from East Java and the northwest Ponorogo Reog regarded as the true home town. Ponorogo city gate was decorated by warok and gemblak figure, two figures who have appeared at the time reog performed. Reog Ponorogo itself as a cultural icon Ponorogo pride. No one knows for sure what the word 'reog' it. There are bependapat that 'reog' comes from the Javanese word 'Reyog', which is sometimes experienced reps to 'rèyag-Reyog'. In the Java language, 'Reyog' and 'rèyag-Reyog', something swinging or moving sideways alternately to each side. Relationship word 'Reyog' the Reog Ponorogo, nestled on the motion Barongan 'Dhadhak peacock' when played. 'Dhadhak peacock' in the form of a tiger's head under a peacock which is developing the beauty of its tail. Being 'Dhadhak peacock' when played is very attractive, with a nimble and agile movements darting. Well, from the movement of 'Dhadhak peacock' and grabbed a flicker here and there that's likely Reog Ponorogo name originated. Reog usually performed in several events such as weddings, circumcisions and National holidays. Art Reog Ponorogo consists of several series of 2 to 3 dances opening. The first dance is usually performed by 6-8 brave men dressed all in black, with faces painted red. The dancers depict the figure of a brave lion. Next is a dance performed by a 6-8 girl ride a horse. In reog Traditionally, dancers are usually played by male dancers who dressed women. This dance is called the dance lesson braid, which must be distinguished from other dances that lumping horse dance. Other opening dance if there is usually a dance by a little boy who brought the funny scenes. Conclusion Indonesia has a diverse art and culture that spread across the country, where each region has a unique traditional culture and art, as of Ponorogo Reog Ponorogo regency. In public life, is used as a binder Reog Ponorogo social interaction, procession of the bride at weddings, as well as a means of criticism tourism asset for the rulers. Therefore, we must maintain its sustainability because now people are starting to forget a lot of the cultural traditions of Indonesia. People are more proud of a foreign culture than the culture itself. Even our culture too stout claimed by foreign nations Reog Ponorogo one of which is claimed by Malaysia. Though Reog an indigenous Indonesian culture. So who else should maintain a culture of the country, if not we as young people have moved to preserve the culture.

 sumber : wikipedia ponorogo.com

Origin of Kendal Town

Kendal is a well-known city in Central Java Province. This area besides Blora also is a very important time in the Islamic kingdom of Mataram kingdom of Majapahit era because of its position adjacent to the beach and make it as a port city. The city is also a pretty old town even older than the city Blora. The story is like this, at that time most of the population of Java has embraced Islam. Majapahit kingdom is actually still there, but the prestige was declining due to the civil war and the entry of Islam to the Land Jawa.Ditambah again the Portuguese were slowly-slowly began to establish trade links with the north coast of Banten. While Kendal alone population is still largely Hindu Majapahit due to the influence of the ruling duke then, MPU Pakuwojo. He was duke of Majapahit remaining and Hindus. Because of the influence of Islam is very broad due to the establishment of the kingdom of Demak was founded by Raden Patah who is also a native son of Majapahit. Adipic-duke many others who defected from the Majapahit and Demak and join Islam. As a result, the Majapahit Empire increasingly diminished. And around the beginning of the 16th century war between Majapahit and Demak as Raden Fracture is also the son of Majapahit in the war as commander and faced none other than his own brother. When it was originally balanced position suddenly turned 180 degrees due membelotnya brother Raden Patah it. And finally the end of the Majapahit be conquered once for 3 centuries Majapahit era (1284-1501) Back to Kendal. Pakuwojo MPU is a Hindu bergari-hard. He was strongly opposed to the presence of Islam in Kendal. Even when caught there Kendal residents who embraced Islam he would punish him. Initially, comes a powerful cleric named Sunan Katong bemaksud realize Pakuwojo MPU. Sunan Katong itself used to be an ascetic Hindu holy. But he eventually converted to Islam. And when Sunan Katong intends to spread Islam in Kendal, MPU Pakuwojo obviously deeply opposed and challenged Sunan Katong for magic collide. Since MPU Pakuwojo began issuing magic dagger to beat Sunan Katong and finally, Sunan Katong had collided with MPU Pakuwojo magic. But Pakuwojo defeat so he ran away. And continue being chased by Sunan Katong and his students. And was so fatigue MPU Pakuwojo hiding in the tree there was a hole like a cave underneath. He thought no one knew he was hiding there. However, fate determines that the MPU Pakuwojo caught also by Sunan Katong. And finally gave up and went MPU Pakuwojo Islam on condition of violence and coercion. Finally Sunan Katong said "The tree trunk is aware Pakuwojo MPU and converted to Islam that I have given the name of the village of Kendal. Kendal means opening the way or opening of consciousness" Kendal eventually became the city forward until there is a national hero named KH. Ahmad Rifai. He was born in the village Kaliwungu, Kendal. He fought in a non-physical. But because he has a lot of followers that are considered dangerous because he was arrested and exiled to Ambon by the Dutch government. He died there in 1859. That story about the origin usuk Kendal Town. We are sorry if there are errors. Thank you Read more: http://musuhbersama.blogspot.com/2010/06/asal-usul-kota-kendal.html # ixzz2MClgzb3r

Origins Kaliwungu Kendal Town

Kaliwungu is a district in Kendal, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This district directly adjacent to Semarang, precisely in the west of the city of Semarang, Indonesia. Kaliwungu known as the city of the students in the district because there are dozens of boarding school. Giving Kaliwungu name is taken from the event a teacher (Sunan Katong) and his student (Pakuwojo) which fought near the river because of the difference principle. Of argument bloodshed according to the story, Sunan Katong Pakuwojo bleed blue blood and red, both died in the fighting and the blood flowed in rivers that turn into purple. Until now there has been no official determination regarding the anniversary and Kaliwungu Kendal district. The local government level II Kendal previously been decided only on the symbol of the district Kendal kendil Wesi ie, in this case there is a separate history. Around the year 1977 had formed a special task team but only to explore the history of the people of the district Kendal perjoangan against the Dutch colonialists. The author as a regional people born in Kendal and Kendal have long tried to observe and investigate the history of the district Kaliwungu birth who later moved to Kendal. Today a city Kaliwungu arising at approximately 380 years ago and the town of Kendal in 1813 H. rather difficult obtaining historical data or data that makes sense. Some of the information and many folklore stories are doubted, though the authors there is no way to continue his observations to collect historical data and information information that is considered normal, and is composed as follows: 1. Sultan of Demak TO II After Sultan Demak to I Raden Broken died, replaced by his eldest son Surya prince or a duke named Jonah (Jepara), also known as Prince Sabrang Lor. 2. KI PANDANARANG I After Sultan Demak II (Pati Jonah) died, the oldest son, Prince Made Pandan not willing replace the Sultanate of Demak. On the island he is Tirang as preachers began spreading the religion of Islam to the people who still embrace Hinduism / Buddhism, in addition to teaching also grow a garden. Due diligence Prince Made Pandan can beat them and eventually converted to Islam. On the island there is a pandanus Tirang but rarely (charcoals-Java), ended up in this place called pandanarang, while the prince is called Ki Pandanarang Made Pandan. (I). Made Pandan marries Prince Sejanila, according to history was the son of the prince while Panduruan in Sumenep (Broken Raden descent). Ki Pandanarang, now called Pragota or Bregoto; tomb Nyi Sejanila also in Bregoto. 3. JUMENENGAN SEMARANG REGENT TO-I Around Pragota (Bregoto) contained acid plant but rarely (charcoals); finally called semarang region, the origin of the words Asem-charcoal, and many people here already. Sunan Kalijogo (Raden Sahid) a trustee of the famous names among nine Guardians of Demak wishes to appoint the eldest son Ki Pndanarang I (Made Pandan) named prince regent kasepuhan to serve in Semarang; intent was approved by the Sultan Pajang Hadiwijoyo, accomplished prince appointed kasepuhan Semarang regent in the first with his Ki Pandanarang II. Regent of Semarang to this character I would treasure stingy and glare, but Sunan Kalijaga can foresee that in the future Pandanarang II Ki can be a trustee in place of Sheikh Siti Jenar. With action and expedient means to awaken Ki sunan Kalijaga Pandanarang II will her character is not good, and he eventually surrendered and repented. Subsequently he commanded to Sunan Kalijaga leaving the kamukten as Regent; finally he emigrated with his family and settled in Tembayat; here he was assigned as a preacher spread the religion of Islam, finally called Sunan Tembayat. Approximately in 1563 H. He died, was buried on the mountain jabalkat. After Ki Pandanarang II migration, the position of Regent of Semarang dig anti brother, prince Kanoman, with a Ki Pandanarang III as Regent of Semarang. 4. BATARA Katong IN ISLAM Batara Katong is the duke of Roxburgh; according while history / story, he was the son of a to 24 of prabu Browijoyo V of Majapahit (Kertobumi), so younger fracture raden Bintoro Sultan of Demak. Batara Katong Hindus; Batara Katong menerma advice of Raden Patah to embrace Islam, the suggestion is accepted but will be met After his father died, after my father died, Batara Katong not keep his promise and always menagguhkan time. Finally Batara Katong receive inspiration (DI) of the Lord and may hint that leave kamukten as dukes and so to learn to Tirang Island, then departed Batara Katong moving towards a de show according to DI, ie Tirang Island, studied the Ki Pandanarang I (Made Pandan) and converted to Islam after being deemed sufficient in studying Islam. On his way he came to a river (Kali), stopping to rest, finally lying just below the tree color purple (Wungu); finally in that place called Kaliwungu village, the river was called sarean times, still exists today. So that's the origin of the village name Kaliwungu. 5. BROADCASTING IN ISLAM Kaliwungu Since the village and surrounding population Kaliwungu not embrace Islam, then Batara Katong Islam began to develop, he settled on the Mount Penjor. After broadcasting duties of Islam seems successful and a lot of students, so he established the mosque place called teak rice, this place seems now no trace. Since then called Sunan Batara Katong Katong. In the city center there are now Kaliwungu street named Rice teak; possible street name from the history that took place previously distitu mosques founded by Batara Katong gem. After the death of Sunan buried Katong place that used to be called togal field, which is known today is the tomb Protowetan including Protomulyo village; grave is not far from the hill Penjor. Buried in the tomb complex is also the Muslim leaders, the tomb is venerated by the people and each ziarahi than in large scale by the people of other regions Kaliwungu and each of each the 7th Shawwal, disbut syawwalan. Regarding sunan or Batara Katong Katong and his tomb is in protowetan excl. Kaliwungu haunting questions and doubts, right Islamists called Sunan Katong Katong Batara's identity with the Duke of Roxburgh? Because there Diponegoro tomb / grave Batara Katong. Because according to the records or Memorires Prince Ario Notohamiprojo Ragent van van Kendal, page 91 show at youth PA Notohamiprojo mengikiti ever travel in order to review Prins Frederik Henderik cucuu Nederland king to the island of Java in June 1837, so look at the Katong Batara ponorogo grave. Thus the term is interpreted buried their dead in kebumikan. Only according to the people's trust in Kaliwungu strongly believe that the tomb of Sunan Katong is Protowetan, apart from thinking that if the Sunan Katong Katong Batara identity or not. 6. TEACHER clerics SUCCESSORS BROADCAST ISLAM After sunan Katong died, there came in 1560 AD in Kaliwungu a mataram based cleric named Kyai Haji Ash'ari, he never lived in Mecca for the deepening of Islamic teachings. In his broadcast Kaliwungu Islam, so he is a successor of the first debagai development of Islam after the death of Sunan Katong. Kyai Ash'ari in penyarannya Islam in Kaliwungu make progress, students increased, not only of the village but also from other Kaliwungu village. Furthermore Kyai Ash'ari school and set up home as well as a permanent place of residence; finally Kyai H. Ash'ari Kyai called Guru. Because the provision of science that was obtained during settled in Mecca, then in providing Islamic studies also broader; monotheism not only in the field but also others on the Shari'a of Islam, period Sunan was induced in Katong specialized in ketaukhidan / faith in Almighty God, according to the circumstances at the time. 7. Jami Masjid clerics FOUNDER TEACHERS 'Kaliwungu According to the story that fit in a brochure published Syawalan 1977 said that the Guru is the founder Kyai Jami mosque 'in Kaliwungu. Previously, of course, form the mosque was very simple building. It is now undergoing refurbishment five times under the leadership of Master Kyai descent. First restoration in 1653 under the leadership of Kyai Haji Mohammad, about his time at the Regent Kaliwungu TMG. Wirosoco or the ngabei Metoyudo and TMG. Wongsodiprojo. Sumber : Wikipedia & Blogspot

Opprinnelsen til navnet Madiun

Trenggono Sultan Sultan of Demak was the third, as well as the last. He died in 1546 on the battlefield in an attempt to subjugate the Pasuruan in East Java. These events brought due to the emergence of the civil war between the descendants of Demak regions competing for the throne. Prawata Sultan, the eldest son of Sultan Trenggono died in the struggle for the throne. Stay Attend Prince and Prince Adiwijaya. Both in-law of the Sultan Trenggono. That came out as the winner is Prince Adiwijaya. Upon approval of Sunan Kudus, Prince Sultan Adiwijaya set as Display and set the center of the kingdom. Along with the coronation of Sultan Adiwijaya, sister-in-law also inaugurated sultan, the youngest son of Prince Sultan Trenggonoyang named Purabaya East as regent in what is now Madison County. After Prince Adiwijaya died due to old age, the seat of government moved to the Mataram kingdom was founded by Danang Sutowijoyo or more popularly called Panembahan Senopati. He is the eldest son of Prince Adiwijaya. That said, Panembahan Senopati handsome, willingness to fight hard and smart. As a great king, Panembahan Senopati aspiring regents wanted to conquer the entire Land of Java under the banner of Mataram. Terkisahlah prince regent in the East after a Purabaya. He ruled justly and wisely. Its people safe and prosperous. He was loved by the regents in East Java. In the ruling, he was known as Prince Ronggo Jumenoatau Panembahan Mediyun. From the word derived from the word Panembahan adsar worship is clear that the East Prince has a better position than the other regents because people deliver to worship him. Perhaps because the East Prince was a descendant of King Demak Bintoro. Some regents were allied with the East Prince Purabaya that tidka Mataram was submitted to the authorities Surabaya, Ponorogo, Pasuruan, Kediri, Kedu, Brebek, Pakis, Kertosono, Ngrowo (Tulungagung), Blitar, Trenggalek, Tulung (Caruban), and Jogorogo. Panembahan Senopati Purabaya never attacked twice, but failed. In the third attack, Panembahan Senopati take steps regarding tactics and strategy. The soldiers are equipped with the ability and skill in the use of weapons (dagger, sword, spear, arrow) and agility riding and controlling the horse. Panembahan Forces troops Sneopati divided into core and second-class troops. To outwit the opponent, second-class troops equipped with all the attributes of greatness war: drums, pennants, and banners. This task forces besieging Purabaya and coming from the opposite direction. In penyarangan run by Panembahan Senopati assisted by two expert advisors war, the Ki and Ki Panjawi Mertani Savior. The first strategy run by Panembahan Senopati was sent by his wife / his mistress whom he so loved to pretend the government is subject to the East Prince Purabaya. East Prince surely rejoice. Receipt of subject marks of Mataram. Seeing the incident, several regents who Purabaya allied soldiers complete with long guard in Purabaya started back to their respective regions. District Purabaya stated in a safe and quiet by East Prince. In such an atmosphere, soldiers password immediately facing Panembahan Senopati Mataram, Mataram. Finally, with careful consideration, Panembahan Senopati Mataram lead soldiers to attack from different directions Purabaya district. Got a sudden attack of Mataram, Raden Ayu Retno Jumilah immediately led the soldiers took up arms to fight the soldiers Purabaya Mataram, he was the daughter of Prince East. Purabaya that had been abandoned by its allies face the invasion Panembahan Senopati maintained entirely by their own troops, and even then their opponents are second-class troops. Without meaningful opposition forces stormed the central core of Mataram soon be the last defense of the palace complex Purabaya district. The first troops assigned to protect the family and the palace. They fought bravely against the forces Mataram core. A very fierce battle took place around the spring in the palace complex. District Purabaya finally collapsed in 1590. To commemorate the event, Panembahan Senopati Purabaya rename a Mbedi Ayun (Mbedi = mbeji = Beji in Javanese means spring. Ayun means forward or it can also mean war. Mbedi Ayun means war around the spring). Mbedi Ayun said finally changed into Mbediyun greeting, and then changed again to Mediyun and Puspa is Madison. It is said that the great war that ended on Friday Legi dated 16 November 1590 AD, as well as a marked change of name to Madison Purabaya

Asal Usul Kota semarang

Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang pangeran bernama Raden Made Pandan dari Kerajaan Demak. Raden Made Pandan juga dikenal sebagai seorang ahli agama Islam atau ulama yang disegani oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Raden Made Pandan mempunyai putera bernama Raden Pandanarang. Raden Pandanarang adalah anak yang baik, ramah, sopan santun, dan menghormati kedua orangtuanya. Suatu ketika Raden Pandanarang dan beberapa pengiring kerajaan diajak oleh Raden Made Pandan pergi dari wilayah Kesultanan Demak. “Puteraku. Maukah kamu ikut pergi berkelana denganku? Besok kita akan meninggalkan wilayah Kesultanan Demak ini bersama-sama dengan beberapa pengiring kerajaan,” tanya raden Made Pandan kepada puteranya. “Hendak kemanakah, Ayahanda?” ujar Raden Pandanarang penasaran. “Kita akan pergi menuju kea rah barat. Di sana kita akan menyebarkan agama Islam. Konon, aku dengar tanah di daerah sana sangat subur. Persiapkanlah dirimu, Puteraku,” ujar Raden Made Pandan seraya menepuk pundak puteranya. “Baiklah, Ayahanda.” Mereka akhirnya pergi kea rah barat. Hingga pada suatu hari, mereka sampai di suatu daerah yang subur. Kemudian mereka membuka hutan dan mendirikan rumah di daerah itu. “Kita berhenti di daerah sini saja. Segera perintahkan kepada para pengiring kerajaan untuk membabat beberapa pohon di hutan ini, kemudian dirikan sebuah rumah untuk tempat tinggal kita, puteraku,” perintah Raden Made Pandan dengan lantang. Akhirnya Raden Made Pandan menyebarkan agama Islam di tempat itu dengan mendirikan pondok pesantren. Pada awalnya, hanya pengiring dan pengikutnya saja yang menjadi muridnya. Namun, semakin lama semakin banyak orang yang menjadi muridnya dan menetap di daerah itu. Suatu hari datang seorang pengiring kerajaan menghadap Raden Made Pandan. “Gusti, di luar ada banyak penduduk yang datang. Mereka ingin belajar agama Islam di pondok pesantren ini. Bagaimana ini, Gusti?” “Persilahkan mereka masuk ke pondok ini. Aku akan menerimaya menjadi muridku dan kita akan mendalami ajaran agama Islam bersama-sama,” ujar Raden Made Pandan. Raden Made Pandan mengharapkan pada suatu saat nanti puteranya mampun menggantikannya sebagai guru agama Islam di daerah itu. Raden Made berwasiat kepada puteranya, Raden Pandanarang. “Puteraku, jika Ayah meninggal, maka teruskanlah perjuangan kita untuk menyebarkan agama Islam di daerah ini. Bimbinglah umat dalam mengolah lahan pertanian. Tetaplah tinggal di daerah ini. Dan selalu berpegang teguh kepada ajranan Para Wali. Insya’ Allah hidupmu kelak selamat dunia dan akhirat.” “Baiklah, Ayahanda,” jawab Raden Pandanarang dengan penuh hormat. Raden Pandarang selalu mengingat pesan orangtuanya. Setelah Raen Made Pandan meninggal dunia, Raden Pandanarang terus melanjutkan mengajar agama Islam kepada masyarakat dan mengelola tempat itu sebaik-baiknya. Semakin hari daerah itu semakin subur, hampir semua tanaman dapat tumbuh di daerah itu. Banyak orang-orang lain dari luar daerah berdatangan dan menetap di daerah itu. Murid dan pengikut Raden Pandanarang pun semakin banyak. Suatu ketika, Raden Pandanarang melihat suatu hal yang janggal. Di daerah yang subur, di antara pohon-pohon yang menghijau, tampak beberapa pohon asam yang tumbuhnya saling berjauhan. “Mengapa pohon-pohon asam itu tumbuh berjauhan, padahal tanahnya di sini subur, kan?” tanya Raden Pandanarang. “Iya, Raden …!” jawab beberapa orang pengikut. “Ini memang suatu hal yang tidak lazim terjadi. Kalau begitu daerah ini akan kunamakan Semarang. Berasal dari kata sem yang jarang-jarang (asem kanga rang-arang).” Sebagai pendiri dan pembuka daerah Semarang yang pertama kali, maka Raden Pandanarang langsung diangkat sebagai pemimpin dan bergelar Ki Ageng Pananarang 1. Demikian asal mula terjadinya kota Semarang yang sekarang ini adalahibukota Propinsi Jawa Tengah. ***

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013


Terri is a by district in the southwest of the province of East Java and the adjacent Indian Ocean. Borders include the north bordering the Wilis mountain, east Bulletin district, south by the Indian Ocean and the western districts bordering Pacitan and Roxburgh. Natural state of the majority of the mountainous area and the majority of the forests that have been managed by Perhutani. Natural state thereby leading to low per capita income of the population and many of its citizens who migrate. Minus the natural state so that cause before the Dutch government to repeatedly separate and incorporate the area of ​​Psychology with a neighboring district. Terri is divided into 14 sub districts include Psychology, Dams, Authorship, Tell, Tugu, Pule, pelvis, Dongko, Munjungan, ax, Watulimo, Gandusari, Pogalan, Durenan. Governing the Capital District Trenggalek in Psychology. History Trenggalek Government of history, this district became autonomous from the government Pakubuwono II in the Islamic Mataram kingdom before it split into two, namely the Kingdom of Surakarta and Ngayogyakarta. First Regent II is the son of Pakubuwono named Mertodiningrat. As a result of the turmoil in the center of the Kingdom Gianti Agreement (1755), too, Terri-Terri split where the area now except pelvis and Munjungan Ponorogo entry as part of the Surakarta and pelvis as well as incoming Munjungan Pacitan as part of the Ngayogyakarta. In 1812, the British rule in Java (Raffles Period 1812-1816) Pacitan (including pelvic and Munjungan) was under British rule, and in 1916 by another Dutch rule in Java, Pacitan submitted by the UK to the Netherlands as well Pelvic and Munjungan. In 1830, after the completion of the Diponegoro war, Trenggalek region, excluding the pelvis and Munjungan, which was originally located within the jurisdiction of the Regent ponorogo and Surakarta entered under Dutch rule. And, in the days that include pelvic and Trenggalek Munjungan acquire its real as district administrative region government version of the Dutch East Indies to when abolition in 1923. Reasons or considerations Trenggalek abolition of administrative Dutch government at that time can not be known with certainty. But Terri thought may be economically disadvantageous to the interests of the Dutch colonial government. Its area is broken down into two parts, namely the working area in the pelvis incoming Vice Regent Pacitan and rest areas Regent Assistant Psychology, Authorship and the ax entered Tulungagung region until mid-1950. With the issuance of Law No. 12 Year 1950, Terri found the shape back as a region within the Tata Administrative District of the Republic of Indonesia. Origin of name Terri In the Chronicle, Legend, Folklore and history there has never been an offensive name origin Psychology. Folklore developed so far only tells the epic of Regents Menaksopal Terri Terri and good looks so that the Son of Regents Suminten son of Warok Surogentho up crazy. There is one opinion that describes the meaning of the Light Ing Terri Galih (Light in the Heart), but according to the author of this opinion does not have any views of the Historical Grammar perspective, Sociology and Geography of Psychology region itself. So far there is only one guideline to disclose the origin of the name Terri tomb former regent / character named Setono Galek. But there is no note or story where this character came from and why any person named Terri Setono Galek itself seems no one knows the meaning of the name itu.Dengan limited knowledge, the author tries to find out as the History paper ax I've ever written. The First Grammar of the angle that I look, said Terri is a combination of the 2 (two) words. The First is Trengga / Treng is a contraction of the word Trenggana from Sanskrit / Old Javanese, which means Star / Light and Galek / Lek is from Galekan / Galek also from Sanskrit / Old Javanese means Missing / Vanished. To say Galek / Galekan itself is not many people know because this word has not abandoned the realm Grammar Java so cursory as a foreign word. Sense of the word, the writer got from an ancient Javanese culture understood as the Sanskrit dictionary authored writer father Purwadi not find. The meaning of the 2 (two) words into Star / Light Missing / Vanished. Or more simply means His star / Brightness Missing / Vanished. From the meaning of the word, the writer goes back in History or History Trenggalek formation. History has been written, the early Islamic Mataram kingdom splitting is when the capital of the Kingdom in the uprising that devastated Kartasura so Pakubuwono II fled to the area including and surrounding Ponorogo Psychology. Then top with the help of Ulema Big Ponorogo santrinya and residents Ponorogo, Trenggalek and Tulungagung kingdom can be retaken. Because capital is destroyed then the capital was moved to Surakarta or Solo. Top gratitude to the citizens of Psychology, the Government established its own in Psychology with a son of Pakubuwono II himself as Regent First. This is the beginning of the destruction of the kingdom of Mataram as brothers Pakubuwono II including his uncle expressed dissatisfaction because apparently Pakubuwono II is getting closer to the Dutch East Indies government, as the party that has been the enemy since the time of Sultan Agung. Finally Mataram kingdom split into 4 (four) United kecila the Surakarta, Ngayogyakarta, Pakualaman and Mangkunegaran. Description History of Psychology said earlier if it is connected and the arrival of the King of Java to the ground Terri has a close connection. Terri Terri said or area that is The Lost Brightness or disappearance of the King star Duchy of Java as the initial formation of Psychology. Translation of the meaning of Psychology is much easier Kraton Revelation / Apocalypse Javanese kings Missing / Vanished. So Terri was the disappearance / loss Revelation Kraton Java. And where the loss of Kraton's Revelation as History Cycle, there was also the Appear / Origin Rev. Kings Palace Java. Now we go to the Age of Early Independence Indonesia where President Sukarno appointed as Commander Heroes Supriyadi Map Indonesia's First Army. Everyone knows Supriyadi gone between life and death. But why keep pointing Supriyadi Sukarno became Commander though the person did not show up. Sukarno certainly have good reason and may only Sukarno knows why. Because actually many fighters / Army Dutch upbringing more experienced and more qualified Japanese upbringing. Apparently according to the authors reason Sukarno was born Terri Supriyadi as possible according to the writing on Sukarno, Supriyadi was the holder at the time of Revelation Keprabon / Kraton Java. For this reason it was not rational, but the view of the Java community is only those who have or get Keprabon Revelation was the one who could lead Indonesia's Java is Setral her. That is, only those who received the Revelation Keprabon Land Java Indonesia is a strong lead. Because a World Leader in the view must also be able to master Java Ghaib nature that had been identified with the Lord of the South Seas. And incidentally by people who understand Ghaib Science Centre, Royal South Sea Coast is in Mount Kumbokarno Prigi in District Watulimo Psychology. Because Supriyadi not show up eventually Sukarno in the 1950s as a series of tasks to visit Terri state agency. The question, for the affairs of what President Sukarno as President of Indonesia's Largest want to visit Terri. Though areas are minus and not having a strategic importance for the affairs of state. Why not Tulungagung as where he lived as a child from the parents' home or Blitar? From the article above, we could conclude Sukarno goal is to obtain revelation Keprabon to strengthen its position as Sukarno as everyone knows is the person who likes things that smell Ghaib and Javanese culture. There's a funny thing, whether right or wrong is when the author was in elementary school ever read Sukarno birth Psychology. According to the author's grandfather who attended the speech at the Bung Karno square Psychology, Sukarno admitted himself that he was born exactly behind Terri Terri Cinema Theater which is now closed. This is the clear meaning of the word meaning Terri Bright Stars Gone Missing or Lost or Revelation. Its second meaning of the word according to the Socio Psychology and Geography, Psychology is a kind of old plants that are now rarely found. Characteristics slightly reddish colored stems and leaves and small stems. Words and Terri name is Old Javanese and second to none in the world to name the plant and is widely grown in ancient times the area of ​​Psychology. Another name for this plant is Telaga Telaga Sari or color. This plant as a neutralizing agent Radioactive. Then what is grown in the relationship with Terri? Terri is an area of ​​rolling hills and many small mountains encircling the region continued to connect Psychology. In Geology Terri was a line of mountains of South Limestone Mountains and continued with the slopes of Mount Wilis. Not all of those hills limestone mountains indicating Terri is a former ocean regions. Many of the stones that come to the surface and form the hills. In Geological Sciences or rocks called rocks Introsif young and because geologic processes formed into metal elements such as gold and so on. Therefore, the region is rich in mineral Terri but small in intensity and sometimes the young. As a result of Nature Chemical Process ongoing so this is what causes radioactive substances out of the bowels of the earth and damage and destroy the living things on it. Radioactive substance is for people who study science Ghaib creature called Destroyer. It becomes stronger why Terri became Crushing Strength Center in Antiquity. Such as by people who understand the science Ghaib, Cengkar Gods who defeated King Aji Saka meditate and settled in the district Kamulan Durenan. Nyai Roro Kidul berunsur Destroyer also be Prigi Coast as Lady Queen of South. And the reason Syech Subakir first landed in Java Prigi Beach. Because the area is still covered Terri radioactive element as a substance Destroyer Beings but also can be a substance that can be used to kelangsuhan beings. Makes sense if the plant Psychology / Telaga Sari / Telaga Color Psychology to grow in the region as a Balancing or neutralization of Radioactive Substances. From the origin of the name of the plant is to be the name of the particular Terri Terri District area. People Antiquity call a common area using the name of plants, animals, people skills, characteristics of the area and so on. From the above there are 2 (two) view to determine the origin of the name Terri. And all authors leave it to the reader conclusion. However, the opinion is still somehow and need improvement because the author has not got a grip Historical sources and credible Who and Since When a name used to be the name Terri particular sub Psychology. According to historical records, the official name used since the founding of the Duchy Terri, Terri Government during Pakubuwobo II. Was previously been used, the authors did not find the records of ancient Catan. If Terri said it was a combination of one word and not two (2) words, it is likely Terri language has been around since the Majapahit era are still thick using ancient Javanese languages. Since the Islamic period-language used tends discussed already using New Java languages. Then who first gave the name of Terri? Appropriate inscription or Ancient Tomb Relics there, chances are Setono Galek or maybe he was the first ruler Galek. So this paper the author created solely as an addition to the insights and proof of love for his native writers. There are much the author as a human being apologize profusely and if there is additional to strengthen the writer's opinion that does not agree our can not comment because all of this is a learning event for all of us. May be useful for all of us.
References: Wikipedia and http://www.trenggalekkab.co.id

Origin of Banyuwangi City

In ancient times in the east end of East Java Province, there is a large kingdom ruled by a just and wise king. The king has a son named Raden Banterang mighty. Penchant Raden Banterang is hunting. "This morning I'm going to hunt in the forest. Prepare hunting tools, "said Raden Banterang to his servants. After hunting equipment ready, Raden Banterang accompanied by several companions set off into the woods. When Raden Banterang walking alone, he saw a deer crossed in front of him. He immediately chase deer until deep into the forest. He was separated from his retinue. "Where a deer before?" Said Raden Banterang, when it lost track of his quarry. "I'll continue to search until it can be," his determination. Raden Banterang through the bush and forest trees. However, the game was not found. He arrived in a very clear river water. "Hem, nian fresh water of this river," Raden Banterang drink river water, to feel lost thirst. After that, he left the river. But only a few steps to walk, suddenly surprised the arrival of a girl beautiful. "Ha? A girl beauty and poise? Is he a man? Lest Satan forest watchman, "muttered Banterang Raden wondered. Raden Banterang ventured to approach the pretty girl. "You're human or forest watchman?" Says Raden Banterang. "I'm human," she replied, smiling. Raden Banterang even introduce himself. Pretty girl for him. "My name Surati from Klungkung kingdom". "I was in this place for saving themselves from enemy attack. My father had died in defending the royal crown, "he explained. Listening to her, Raden Banterang surprised abysmal. Seeing the suffering of the King of Klungkung's daughter, Raden Banterang immediate help and take her back to the palace. Soon they were married build a happy family. One day, the daughter of the King of Klungkung walking around alone outside the palace. "Surati! Surati ", calling a man dressed in rags. After observing the man's face, he realized that that was in front of him is his brother named Rupaksa. Purpose of his visit was to invite his brother Rupaksa for revenge, because Raden Banterang had killed his father. Surati tell that he wanted diperistri Raden Banterang having been indebted. By doing so, Surati not help call his brother. Rupaksa hear angry brother. However, it could provide a memorable form to Surati headband. "Tie this head should you keep under your bed," message Rupaksa. Surati meeting with his brother Raden Banterang unknown, because Raden Banterang was hunting in the forest. When Raden Banterang was in the middle of the forest, her eyes suddenly startled by the arrival of a man dressed in rags. "Tuangku, Raden Banterang. Safety Master planned endangered by its own master's wife, "the man said. "Sir can see the evidence, to see a headband that is placed under the dusk. Headband belongs to the man who asked for help to kill the Master, "he explained. After saying those words, the man dressed in rags disappeared mysteriously. Raden troubled Banterang heard reports that the mysterious man. He was immediately returned to the palace. After arriving at the palace, Raden Banterang peraaduan directly to his wife. Looking headband that have been told by a man dressed in rags that have been encountered in the forest. "Ha! True said the man! This headband as proof! Do you plan to kill me with a request for help to the owner of this headband! "Accused Raden Banterang to his wife. "Is that how you repay me?" Said Raden Banterang. "Do not just accused. Adina did not intend to kill Kakanda, let alone ask for help to a man! "Said Surati. However Raden Banterang remains at its founding, that his wife had helped it would endanger his life. Well, before his life is threatened, Raden Banterang first want to harm his wife. Raden Banterang intend drown her in a river. Upon arriving at the river, Raden Banterang told of an encounter with a man in rags when hunting in the woods. The wife was told about a meeting with a man dressed in rags as her husband explained. "The man is the older brother of Adinda. She gave me a headband to Adina, "explains Surati back, so Raden Banterang melts. However, Raden Banterang continue to believe that she would harm herself. "Kakanda my husband! Open your heart and feelings Kakanda! Adina willing to die for the salvation of Kakanda. But to give an opportunity to tell about meeting Adina Adina Adina with a brother named Rupaksa, "said Surati warned. "Adindalah brother would kill Kakanda! Adina demand help, but Adina tolah ". Hearing this, the liquid heart Raden Banterang not even think she lied .. "Kakanda! If it becomes clear river water and fragrant, then Adina innocent! However, if it remains cloudy and foul odor, then Adina guilty! "Said Surati. Raden Banterang think her speech was ridiculous. So, Raden Banterang immediately drew his dagger tucked in his waist. Alongside that, Surati jumped into the river and disappeared.

History and Origin of Malang

A king is wise and very powerful, Dewasimha name. It maintains a glittering palace, and sanctified by the holy fire Putikewara (Ciwa). Blessed is the King Dewasimha because the gods had bestowed on her a son as heir to the crown. Son who later became the royal patron named Liswa or also known as Gajayana. Gajayana was a king who was so loved by his people, virtuous and doing good for the pastor as well as a full baktu Verily, verily, the sage Agastya. As a token of sincere devotion to the sage, the king Gajayana had built a gorgeous temple to mahresi well as to be an antidote to all diseases and evil empire. If their ancestors had made statues Agstya of sandalwood, the King Gajayana as a statement of devotion and reverence had ordered the famous carvers throughout the kingdom to make a statue of Agastya beautiful black stone, so that all can see it. Agastya statue named Kumbhayoni that, on the orders of a virtuous king was later formalized by the Regveda, the Brahmins, the leading priests and the people of the land who are experts, in Saka, Nayana-Vava-Rase (682) month right Magasyirsa Friday half-light. He is the mighty King Gajayana was a very religious respect for the clergy. Dihadiahkannya them and their lands a fat cow, a buffalo, male and female slaves, and various necessities such as bathing soaps, material presentation ceremony, big houses full of survival supplies such as: the Brahmins and the guest lodge, complete with clothes, bedding and rice, barley. Those who obstruct the will of the king to give gifts like that, both brothers, the sons of the king, and the First Minister, then they will be harmed by evil thoughts and will go to hell and not going to get keoksaan in world or in another world. He, on the contrary always pray and hope that his descendants rejoice with these gifts, pay attention to the holy spirit, respect for the Brahmans and devout worship, doing good, run victims, and study the Vedas. Hopefully they keep the empire's incomparable as the King has been keeping. King Gajayana have a daughter who would continue Vamcakula Uttejena the wise father. The above story is lifted sari one inscription called "Inscription Dinaya or Kanjuruhan" according to the name of the village mentioned in the charter. As noted therein, the inscription contains elements dating in candrasengkala which reads: "Nayana-vaya-Rase" Caka worth 682 years or 760 years after Christ. If the inscription was issued by King Gajayana in the year 760 AD, then at least the inscription is the oldest written source about the politics facilities Kanjuruan the establishment of the kingdom in Malang. The place is now known as Dinoyo located 5 miles west of Malang. In this place according to residents there, still found Dewasimha statue located in the center of the market despite almost missing buried into the ground. Malangkucecwara derived from three words, namely: Mala which means everything is dirty, cheating, duplicity, or bathil, Angkuca meaning crush or destroy and Icwara meaning God. Thus Malangkucecwara means "GOD DESTROY a false". Although the names of Malang has been ingrained for its residents, but the name is still a question mark. While historians continue to explore other sources to obtain the right answers to the above statement. Until now had obtained some hypotheses about the origin of the name of Malang. Malangkucecwara written in the symbol of the city, according to one hypothesis is the name of a sacred building. Name shrine itself is found in two inscriptions of King Balitung of Central Java which the stele Mantyasih in 907, and the 908 inscriptions found in one place between Surabaya and Malang. However, where is the actual shrine Malangkucecwara it, historians still get the deal. The parties expect the location of the building is in the holy mountains Buring, one that ran in the mountains east of the city of Malang where there is a mountain peak named Malang. Proving the truth of these allegations is still underway as it turns out, the city of Malang west side there is a mountain called Malang. Other parties suspect that the real location of the shrine was located in the area Tumpang, a place in the northern city of Malang. To date in the area there is still a village named Malangsuka, which some historians, probably derived from the spoken word Malankuca reversed. The opinion above is also corroborated by a number of ancient buildings are scattered in the area, such as temples and temple Jago Left, both of which Singasari royal relic. Of the two hypotheses mentioned above still uncertain which of the foregoing would be known by the name derived from the name of Malang shrine Malangkucecwara it. Is the area around Malang now, or two mountains named Malang around that area. A copper inscription found at the end of 1974 banh plantation, Wlingi, southwest of Malang, in a part written as follows: "............ taning sakrid Malang-akalihan wacid opponent Macu pasabhanira dyah Spleen Makanagran I .........". The meaning of the above sentence is: "........ the east where hunting around Malang with wacid and Mancu, rice Dyah Spleen is ......... " From the sound of the inscription was apparently Malang is one place in the east of the places mentioned in the inscription tiu. From these inscriptions obtained the evidence that the use of the name of Malang has been at least since the 12th century AD. Previous hypotheses, perhaps in contrast to the opinion that the name Malang suspect comes from the word "Dispute" or "hindered" (in Javanese means Malang). Once Sunan Mataram want to expand its influence in East Java have tried to occupy the area of ​​Malang. Residents of the area to fight a great war. Therefore Sunan Mataram assume that the people area obstruct, deny or poor on purpose Sunan Mataram. Since then, the area was named Malang. The emergence of these Kanjuruhan empire, is seen by historians as an early milestone in the growth of central government, which until now, after 12 centuries ago, has grown to become the city of Malang. After the royal Kanjuruhan, in the golden kingdom Singasari (1000 years after Christ) in the area of ​​Malang still found a prosperous kingdom, many of its inhabitants as well as agricultural lands are very fertile. When Islam conquered the kingdom of Majapahit around the year 1400, the duke of Majapahit fled to the area of ​​Malang. He later founded an independent Hindu kingdom, which by his son fought to advance the kingdom. Center of the kingdom which is located in the city of Malang is still visible remnants of fortress building firm named Kutobedah Kutobedah village. Is Sultan Mataram from Central Java who finally came to conquer this area in 1614 after receiving strong opposition from the residents of this neighborhood. Why Malang? Prior to 1964, the city of Malang symbol it says; "Unfortunate name, purpose developed" the translation of "Malang nominor, sursum moveor". When the city was celebrating his birthday the 50th of April 1, 1964, the sentences changed to: "Malangkucecwara". New motto is proposed by the late Professor. Dr. R. Ng. Poerbatjaraka, because the word is so closely related to the origin of the city of Malang, in the Ken Arok about 7 centuries ago has become the name of the place around or near the temple named Malangkucecwara. Brief History of Government Poor town began to grow and flourish after the presence of the Dutch colonial government, especially when it starts in operasikannya railroad in 1879. Various needs masyarakatpun increasing the space will primarily perform various activities. The result was a change in land use, the area woke popping uncontrollably. Changes in land use changes very rapidly, as a function of residential and industrial agriculture. Malang is a kingdom centered in the Dinoyo, the king Gajayana. 1767, the Company entered the City In 1821 the position of the Dutch government in concentrated around times Brantas Malang has 1824 Resident Assistant In 1882 houses in the western part of town was established and the city was founded in the wake of the square. 1 April 1914 is set as the Township Malang March 8, 1942 Malang occupied Japan 21 September 1945 entered Malang Region of the Republic of Indonesia July 22, 1947 the Dutch occupied Malang March 2, 1947 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia re-enter the city of Malang. January 1, 2001, to the Government of Malang.

Asal usul Kota Surabaya

Dahulu, di lautan luas sering terjadi perkelahian antara Ikan Hiu Sura dengan Buaya. Mereka berkelahi hanya karena berebut mangsa.Keduanya sama-sama kuat, sama-sama tangkas,sama-sama cerdik, sama-sama ganas dan sama-sama rakus.Sudah berkali-kali mereka berkelahi belum pernah ada yang menang atau pun yang kalah. akhirnya mereka mengadakan kesepakatan. "Aku bosan terus-menerus berkelahi, Buaya," kata ikan Sura. "Aku juga, Sura.Apa yang harus kita lakukan agar kita tidak lagi berkelahi?" tanya Buaya Ikan Hiu Sura sudah punya rencana untuk menghentikan perkelahiannya dengan Buaya segera menerangkan. "Untuk mencegah perkelahian di antara kita,sebaiknya kita membagi daerah kekuasaan menjadi dua. Aku berkuasa sepenuhnya di dalam air dan harus mencari mangsa di dalam air,sedangkan kamu barkuasa di daratan dan mangsamu harus yang berada di daratan. Sebagai batas antara daratan dan air, kita tentukan batasnya,yaitu tempat yang dicapai oleh air laut pada waktu pasang surut!" "Baik aku setujui gagasanmu itu!" kata Buaya. Dengan adanya pembagian wilayah kekuasaan, maka tidak ada lagi perkelahian antara Sura dan Buaya. Keduanya telah sepakat untuk menghormati wilayah masing-masing. Tetapi pada suatu hari,Ikan Hiu Sura mencari mangsa di sungai. Hal ini dilakukan dengan sembunyi-sembunyi agar Buaya tidak mengetahui. Mula-mula hal ini memang tidak ketahuan. Tetapi pada suatu hari Buaya memergoki perbuatan Ikan Hiu Sura ini.Tentu saja Buaya sangat marah melihat Hiu Sura melanggar janjinya. "Hai Sura, mengapa kamu melanggar peraturan yang telah kita sepakati berdua? Mengapa kamu berani memasuki sungai yang merupakan wilayah kekuasaanku?" tanya Buaya. Ikan Hiu Sura yang merasa tak bersalah tenang-tenang saja. "Aku melanggar kesepakatan? Bukankah sungai ini berair.Bukankah aku sudah bilang, bahwa aku adalah penguasa di air? Nah, sungai ini 'kan ada airnya, jadi juga termasuk daerah kekuasaanku, " Kata Ikan Hiu Sura. "Apa? Sungai itu 'kan tempatnya di darat, sedang daerah kekuasaanmu ada di laut, berarti sungai itu adalah darerah kekuasaanku!" Buaya ngotot. "Tidak bisa. Aku 'kan tidak pernah bilang kalau di air itu hanya air laut, tetapi juga airsungai" jawab Hiu Sura? "Kau sengaja mencari gara-gara,Sura?" "Tidak! kukira alasanku cukup kuat dan aku memang dipihak yang benar!" kata Sura. "Kau sengaja mengakaliku.Aku tidak sebodoh yang kau kira!" kata Buaya mulai ,marah. "Aku tidak perduli kau bodoh atau pintar, yang penting air sungai dan air laut adalah kekuasaanku!" Sura tak mau kalah. Karena tidak ada yang mau mengalah, maka pertempuran sengit antara Ikan Hiu Sura dan Buaya terjadi lagi. Pertarungan kali ini semakin seru dan dahsyat. Saling menerjang dan menerkam, saling menggigit dan memukul. Dalam waktu sekejap, air disekitarnya menjadi merah oleh darah yang keluar dari luka-luka kedua binatang tersebut. Mereka terus bertarung mati-matian tanpa istirahat sama sekali. Dalam pertarungan dahsyat ini, Buaya mendapat gigitan Hiu Sura di pangkal ekornya sebelah kanan. Selanjutnya, ekornya itu terpaksa selalu membengkok kekiri. Sementara ikan Sura juga tergigit ekornya hingga hampir putus, lalu ikan Sura kembali ke lautan. Buaya puas telah dapat mempertahankan daerahnya. Pertarungan antara ikan Hiu yang bernama Sura dan Buaya ini sangat berkesan di hati masyarakat Surabaya. Oleh karena itu,nama Surabaya selalu dikait-kaitkan dengan peristiwa ini. Dari peritiwa inilah kemudian dibuat lambang Kota Surabaya yaitu gambar "ikan sura dan buaya". Namun ada juga sebahagian berpendapat, asal usul Surabaya berasal dari kata Sura dan Baya. Sura berarti Jaya atau selamat. Baya berarti bahaya, jadi Surabaya berarti "selamat menghadapi bahaya". Bahaya yang dimaksud adalah serangan tentara Tar-tar yang hendak menghukum Raja Jawa.Seharusnya yang dihukum adalah Kartanegara, karena Kartanegara sudah tewas terbunuh, maka Jayakatwang yang diserbu oleh tentara Tar-tar itu. Setelah mengalahkan Jayakatwang, orang Tar-tar itu merampas harta benda dan puluhan gadis-gadis cantik untuk dibawa keTiongkok. Raden Wijaya tidak terima diperlakukan seperti itu. Dengan siasat yang jitu, Raden Wijaya menyerang tentara Tar-tar di pelabuhan Ujung Galuh hingga mereka menyingkir kembali ke Tiongkok. Selanjutnya, dari hari peristiwa kemenangan Raden Wijaya inilah ditetapkan sebagai hari jadi Kota Surabaya. Surabaya sepertinya sudah ditakdirkan untuk terus baergolak.Tanggal 10 November 1945 adalah bukti jati diri warga Surabaya yaitu berani menghadapi bahaya serangan Inggris dan Belanda. Di zaman sekarang, setelah ratusan tahun dari cerita asal usul Surabaya tersebut, ternyata pertarungan memperebutkan wilayah air dan darat terus berlanjut. Di kalamusim penghujan tiba kadangkala banjir menguasai kota Surabaya. Pada musim kemarau kadangkala tempat-tempat genangan air menjadi daratan kering. Itulah Suraba