Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Opprinnelsen til navnet Madiun

Trenggono Sultan Sultan of Demak was the third, as well as the last. He died in 1546 on the battlefield in an attempt to subjugate the Pasuruan in East Java. These events brought due to the emergence of the civil war between the descendants of Demak regions competing for the throne. Prawata Sultan, the eldest son of Sultan Trenggono died in the struggle for the throne. Stay Attend Prince and Prince Adiwijaya. Both in-law of the Sultan Trenggono. That came out as the winner is Prince Adiwijaya. Upon approval of Sunan Kudus, Prince Sultan Adiwijaya set as Display and set the center of the kingdom. Along with the coronation of Sultan Adiwijaya, sister-in-law also inaugurated sultan, the youngest son of Prince Sultan Trenggonoyang named Purabaya East as regent in what is now Madison County. After Prince Adiwijaya died due to old age, the seat of government moved to the Mataram kingdom was founded by Danang Sutowijoyo or more popularly called Panembahan Senopati. He is the eldest son of Prince Adiwijaya. That said, Panembahan Senopati handsome, willingness to fight hard and smart. As a great king, Panembahan Senopati aspiring regents wanted to conquer the entire Land of Java under the banner of Mataram. Terkisahlah prince regent in the East after a Purabaya. He ruled justly and wisely. Its people safe and prosperous. He was loved by the regents in East Java. In the ruling, he was known as Prince Ronggo Jumenoatau Panembahan Mediyun. From the word derived from the word Panembahan adsar worship is clear that the East Prince has a better position than the other regents because people deliver to worship him. Perhaps because the East Prince was a descendant of King Demak Bintoro. Some regents were allied with the East Prince Purabaya that tidka Mataram was submitted to the authorities Surabaya, Ponorogo, Pasuruan, Kediri, Kedu, Brebek, Pakis, Kertosono, Ngrowo (Tulungagung), Blitar, Trenggalek, Tulung (Caruban), and Jogorogo. Panembahan Senopati Purabaya never attacked twice, but failed. In the third attack, Panembahan Senopati take steps regarding tactics and strategy. The soldiers are equipped with the ability and skill in the use of weapons (dagger, sword, spear, arrow) and agility riding and controlling the horse. Panembahan Forces troops Sneopati divided into core and second-class troops. To outwit the opponent, second-class troops equipped with all the attributes of greatness war: drums, pennants, and banners. This task forces besieging Purabaya and coming from the opposite direction. In penyarangan run by Panembahan Senopati assisted by two expert advisors war, the Ki and Ki Panjawi Mertani Savior. The first strategy run by Panembahan Senopati was sent by his wife / his mistress whom he so loved to pretend the government is subject to the East Prince Purabaya. East Prince surely rejoice. Receipt of subject marks of Mataram. Seeing the incident, several regents who Purabaya allied soldiers complete with long guard in Purabaya started back to their respective regions. District Purabaya stated in a safe and quiet by East Prince. In such an atmosphere, soldiers password immediately facing Panembahan Senopati Mataram, Mataram. Finally, with careful consideration, Panembahan Senopati Mataram lead soldiers to attack from different directions Purabaya district. Got a sudden attack of Mataram, Raden Ayu Retno Jumilah immediately led the soldiers took up arms to fight the soldiers Purabaya Mataram, he was the daughter of Prince East. Purabaya that had been abandoned by its allies face the invasion Panembahan Senopati maintained entirely by their own troops, and even then their opponents are second-class troops. Without meaningful opposition forces stormed the central core of Mataram soon be the last defense of the palace complex Purabaya district. The first troops assigned to protect the family and the palace. They fought bravely against the forces Mataram core. A very fierce battle took place around the spring in the palace complex. District Purabaya finally collapsed in 1590. To commemorate the event, Panembahan Senopati Purabaya rename a Mbedi Ayun (Mbedi = mbeji = Beji in Javanese means spring. Ayun means forward or it can also mean war. Mbedi Ayun means war around the spring). Mbedi Ayun said finally changed into Mbediyun greeting, and then changed again to Mediyun and Puspa is Madison. It is said that the great war that ended on Friday Legi dated 16 November 1590 AD, as well as a marked change of name to Madison Purabaya

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